The EPIC Failure at COP27

Jason Williams

Posted November 21, 2022

You’ve probably heard at least a little bit about the U.N.’s ongoing climate change conference, called the COP27.

Maybe you saw a video clip of China’s dictator, Xi Jinping, scolding Canada’s dictator in training, Justin Trudeau, about sharing too much information with the media.

dictators talking

Or maybe you saw videos of Justin and Joe Biden strutting around in outfits that look like they went shopping in Mao Zedong’s wardrobe.

justin and joe zedong

But you probably didn’t hear anything about how the entire conference was one big failure even before it began.

Nor will you if you’re only watching the mainstream corporate media.

They’re too busy congratulating themselves for being on the “right side of history” to pay attention to the debacle that’s going on in the present.

And the world leaders (and their billionaire pimps) who are attending COP27 have their heads too far up their own you-know-whats to see anything but what they had for lunch yesterday.

But I’m going to tell you the truth…

COP27 has been a complete and utter failure and was even before it got started.

And the reason is that despite all the posturing and posing in front of cameras, the participants are completely ignoring the ONE thing that’s keeping us from a real transition away from fossil fuels.

We’ve Got a BIG Problem

You see, all they’re talking about is how we can funnel more taxpayer money into boondoggles that will make their friends and donors even richer.

They’re talking about new wind farms. They’re crowing about expanded solar fields.

They’re trying to outdo each other on how much money they can commit to historically ineffective “carbon sequestration” technology.

They’re even crazy enough to praise Vladimir Putin for causing an energy crisis in Europe and forcing them to think about other ways to keep the lights on.

But they’re completely ignoring the fact that those alternative energy sources are 100% worthless without some way to store that energy for when we need it.

You see, the global power grid wasn’t set up to store power. It was set up to transmit it.

And that’s because we never needed to store power after we’d generated it. We used fuels that were themselves stored power.

Coal, oil, natural gas, even wood… They're all forms of latent energy waiting to be released. That energy was stored by Mother Nature and it’s released when we combust it.

So for the past century and a half, we’ve been able to use that stored energy to deliver power to people at the exact instant they demand it.

In manufacturing, that’s called “just in time” inventory management.

Before and After

In the world of electricity, it looks like a big pile of coal next to the power plant or a pipeline full of oil or natural gas running into said power plant.

That’s what we call pre-generation storage.

But renewable power is different. It requires post-generation storage.

Because we’re generating electricity when it can be generated — during the day for solar and on breezy days for wind — we need to be able to store it for release when people need it.

It’s a problem we ran into with nuclear power, too. Nuclear reactors are great at generating a ton of steady power. But it’s tough to turn them up or down quickly and efficiently.

So we had to store the extra energy in order for it to still be available when people needed it.

And while lithium batteries are probably the most common form of post-generation energy storage to most people, they actually make up just a fraction of our energy storage infrastructure.

In fact, about 90% of the energy stored in the U.S., and much of it worldwide, is stored through hydropower installations.

Major Limitations

But hydropower comes with its own limitations.

For one, it’s geographically limited to places with flowing water. If you’re in a desert or it’s below freezing, you’re out of luck.

You also need changes in elevation so that the water can flow downhill through turbines. So if you live in the Great Plains, you’re probably not getting a new hydropower station anytime soon.

You have to convince the people living around there to let you ruin their view by putting in a massive commercial construction project. It sounds selfish, but property owners have rights and often stop projects like this.

You need millions of tons of concrete to create the dams and reservoirs to hold the water back. And the process to produce that stuff is pretty carbon-intensive.

You must flood an area that was likely covered in vegetation. And that vegetation will release lots of methane as it decomposes under the water you cover it with.

Dams also must be well-built and well-maintained. If they’re not, you get situations where they burst and thousands of people die in the ensuing flood.

It happen in Laos in 2018:

Laos Dam Burst 2018

And in Michigan in 2020:

Michigan dam burst 2020

Those are just some of the reasons there hasn’t been a new hydropower installation built in the U.S. for over 30 years. But they’re probably enough.

From Bad to Worse

So why not just put big lithium batteries in places where we can’t have dams?

Well, because those also come with a whole lot of limitations. And they can be just as dangerous.

But let’s start with the most popular problem to cite when it comes to lithium batteries: the cost.

A ton of lithium goes for nearly $90,000 these days. And that’s before it’s even been refined into something useful.

That makes even the relatively small batteries we use in EVs incredibly expensive, with some running as much as $10,000 each.

When you translate that cost into a big battery, one that’s able to store enough power for a house or two, the costs go up drastically.

You’re looking at a cost of about $1,537,910 for each Tesla Megapack pictured below:

tesla megapack

And when you consider that even a small-scale storage facility needs a few hundred of those, you can see how that cost can be preventative, to say the least.

But that’s just one of the issues with lithium batteries…

They’re also incredibly dangerous, especially when they’re nearly as big as a school bus.

And they have a tendency to explode whenever they’re used for large-scale energy storage:

tesla megapack fire australia

This one in Australia burned for days before it could be extinguished.

But the downfalls don’t end there…

You’ve also got the fact that lithium is a limited resource. There’s only so much of it on the planet, and once we run out, there’s no making more.

And there’s the inconvenient truth that China — the world’s biggest polluter and biggest supporter of autocratic dictators — controls over 90% of the refined lithium market.

There’s also the fact that every time a lithium battery is discharged and recharged, it loses a little bit of capacity. This leads to a relatively short life span for a battery that costs over a million dollars to replace.

They’re also very sensitive to heat and cold. And they’re full of toxic chemicals.

They’re just not a great alternative to hydropower and aren’t likely to store much more power in the future than they do now: less than 2% of global energy storage.

The Real Future of Energy Storage

But we need a solution if we’re going to keep generating energy from wind turbines and solar power.

We need to be able to store that power for times when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

According to BloombergNEF, just to keep the renewable energy industry alive, the world will need to increase its storage capabilities 15 times over by 2030!

Fifteen times more energy storage just to keep the lights on.

Lithium batteries can’t handle that. Honestly, there’s probably not enough lithium on the planet to make enough of them even if they could shoulder the burden.

And we’re running out of viable places to flood and turn into hydroelectric dams. That’s why we haven’t built one in the U.S. since I was playing little league.

But the world still needs that energy and a way to store it efficiently.

And I’m convinced I’ve uncovered the company that the entire world will be forced to turn to…

It’s taken the basic principle around hydroelectric power and made it universally accessible.

It doesn’t matter if you live around mountains or in the flattest place on the planet.

It doesn’t matter if the water around you is frozen year-round or if there isn’t any water at all.

It also doesn’t require the use of expensive, toxic materials like lithium. And China doesn’t have a monopoly on any of the inputs.

It’s not combustible, so you don’t have to worry about it catching on fire and burning for days (while releasing toxic vapors and chemicals into the environment).

But it’s just as efficient as any hydroelectric plant or the best lithium batteries on the market, returning 80% of the power stored in it.

It never degrades and can hold power forever if you need it to.

And it can be built literally anywhere on Earth.

Worldwide Acceptance

Because of all of the things that make it so much more reliable and safer than lithium batteries and more accessible than hydropower, it’s already being used to store power for electrical grids around the world.

The Swiss are using it and paying some of the lowest electricity prices out of any European country. They don’t care how long Vlad keeps the gas turned off, because they don’t need it.

swiss energy bills lower

And the Saudis are using it to store the energy generated by the world’s largest solar field as they diversify their grid and economy away from oil and gas.

saudi solar

It’s even helping in the U.S. in places like California and Texas where blackouts have become an uncomfortably common occurrence.

The Aussies have tired of their lithium batteries exploding and recently put in an order to install a massive facility to store their wind energy.

newton battery mountains

And I’m expecting it to gain traction on the East Coast this winter as the Northeast runs out of the heating oil it relies on to keep from freezing this winter.

Unknown to Unstoppable

But even with all that exposure and all those contracts from around the globe, most investors haven’t even heard of this company.

And even fewer know that it’s publicly traded.

But I want that to change right now. I want you to know about it.

And I want you to get yourself invested so you can ride the wave of profits it’ll generate all the way to the bank.

Just imagine being able to invest in a company like Tesla as it set out to revolutionize the auto industry…

Even after its recent drop, you’d still be up 11,470% and every $1,000 you invested would still be worth $115,710.

Well, that’s the kind of opportunity I’m convinced investors have with this company as it revolutionizes the $200 billion energy storage market.

And that’s why I’ve created a presentation that details the technology this company has pioneered.

It also gives you all the information you need to make sure you get invested before word gets out and shares take off.

It’s also why I’ve created a full report on the topic as well. It’s that important to me that you learn about this breakthrough company before its share price soars from under $10 to over $1,000.

So take a little time today to learn all about it and get yourself invested before the rest of the world gets on board and this becomes the next massive stock market success story.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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